SMNR data resources
The Suriname Water Resources Information System (SWRIS) is a web-based scientific framework with water-related information on Suriname (water portal). It is open to public. The main goal is to promote and foster human resources development (knowledge and techniques) on intergrated water resources management (IWRM) in Suriname focused on sustainable use of water resources.
The BIO-PLATEAUX project is co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg Amazon Cooperation Program. It aims at developing the sharing of data, information and experiences on water and biodiversity in aquatic environments between French Guiana, Brazil and Suriname, particularly in the two transboundary basins of the Oiapoque and Maroni rivers.
GONINI Geoportal
Gonini is the name of the Surinamese geographical webpage that is managed/maintained by the Stichting voor Bosbeheer en Bostoezicht (SBB). The users or visitors of this geoportal have a good overview of the entire land cover of Suriname. The Gonini geoportal was launched in December 2016. All data produced within the framework of the National Forest Monitoring System can be viewed via the Gonini by the wider public. In addition, other institutes or organizations are also enabled to share relevant data via the geoportal. The information on the geoportal is regularly updated as new data is produced. The updates are then shared via the Facebook pages: National Land Monitoring System of Suriname and Stichting voor Bosbeheer en Bostoezicht.
National Zoological Collection of Suriname/ Environmental Research Center (CMO)
Welcome to the homepage of the National Zoological Collection of Suriname and the Environmental Research Center(NZCS/CMO), two institutes within the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS). Our main task is to develop an overview of the fauna of Suriname, by working together on building a reference collection for the fauna of Suriname and using fauna as indicator species in ecological and biological research.
Plants of the Sipaliwini Savanna
The Sipaliwini Savanna in Southern Surinam is an area of outstanding natural beauty and great scientific interest. During a six month expedition in 1968 – 69 and supplementary visits in 1970 and 1972 we were fortunate enough to study the flora and vegetation of this largely unknown part of Surinam. The scientific results are now published on line via this site.
While digging up and working out all our notes, maps, tables, photos etc. we came to the conclusion that – even forty years on – a botanical description of the green hills of the Sipaliwini would be a worthwhile exercise.
Welcome to the Plants of the Sipaliwini Savanna